Since 1989 Jodi Casamo has been providing expert, friendly, and quality court reporting services. Offering videoconferencing, transcription services, and video deposition services, etc, and promise to handle anything fragile or important with gloves and care. Casamo& Associates, inc is a group with some of the most professional court reporting staff and equipment available in the tri-region area of northern Virginia, Maryland, and D.C. They have been dedicated to accurate and responsible services for the last twenty years, ensuring that the information you requested is secure. They use the best technology in their work in order to maintain their highest level of quality. They don’t want to be your one time use company, but want to build a reputation with your company to be trusted with your documenting needs. If there is something in the field of court reporting that they don’t already offer only speak with them to see if it can still be accomplished as they wish to keep their employers satisfied. They promise a pleasant and simple experience when booking them and only look forward to your return. Call Casamo to schedule a deposition or schedule a video conference.